Story of Patrick Brady the zoo keeper .
the events of Resident Evil 2 William Birkin had been betrayed by umbrella and
they sent in the USS alpha team led by hunk to take the G-virus from him and in
the same time for eliminate him definitely .
Birkin ended up being gunned down and they took the virus from him all , but one sample remained in the hands of William Birkin with that sample alone , he injected it into his own body and took the Alfa team down before they could get away with the case containing The T and G virus samples .
this moment in the game you as either Leon or Claire has to escape the police
station before William Birkin finds them but well you didn't know was that
Birkin didn't instantly go after them, he actually escaped from the sewers and
headed off into the streets of Raccoon City to infect more hosts this is where
we meet a Zookeeper by the name of Patrick Brady , one of the brave fighters on Resident Evil .
was working a morning shift at the Raccoon City Zoo when suddenly he hears loud
strange noises coming from the zoo animals as he heads over to check what's
going on , he finds two of his employee friends completely devoured by what is
most likely one of the zoo creatures , one would assume it was a lion or a
tiger that did this but it's even worse ; it's the G-Virus infected William
Birkin and his current targets are the zoo tigers , the tigers attacking Birkin
couldn't put up a fight at all and luckily they all tried fighting against
Birkin instead of going after Brady as he happens to be right next to them .
Brady fires his weapon at Birkin but as
expected it isn't doing much damage at all and it looks as he's about to be
next victim but as William Birkin approaches his daughter Sherry screams out
loud and this makes Birkin stop turn around and go after her , i'm not sure if
this means that Sherry was actually outside at this point in time she should
have been somewhere between the raccoon city police department or the
underground area that connects to the umbrella lab , Brady mentions that he
also heard the scream and doesn't know who it was so she couldn't have been too
far but he's glad it happened otherwise he had surely be dead by now so he runs
off to for backup as Brady heads over to the headquarters of the zoo to call for
help .
animals that Birkin attacked are starting to reanimate and they instantly get
up and chase after Brady ; luckily he manages to reach HQ before they tear him
apart, he locks the door behind him and before he can even start contacting
help someone is already reaching out for assistance the person on the other
side is looking for Claire .
responds but during their conversation it isn't explained whether it's Leon on
the other side but since Leon did get a talkie-walk-i to communicate with Claire
then chances are that it's actually Leon who's speaking with Brady then Brady
is informed that the G-virus has begun spreading all over the zoo and that the
person that's communicating with him is too occupied to help so it's up to
Brady to handle on his own and find a way to destroy all the zoo creatures
before they infect others .
quickly remembers that the zoo park is riddled with generators and underground
conducts that contain the animals and it's been threatening to overload so if
he disables a safety override, he might just be able to blow up the entire park
taking the zoo creatures down with it . ( idea of Brady for stopping this contamination ) .
generators are at the utility shed so Brady prepares himself to go back out and
see if he can reach the utility shed without getting killed but first he arms
himself with his many weapons and ammunition to kill anything in his path ; now
that he's ready he kicks the door open and heads for the utility shed which
happens to be across the zoo so it's going to be tougher than it sounds .
first creature that approaches him is a large infected snake which he easily
disposes of with a shot and west of the head now , the next in line is a
rampaging gorilla and for this creature Brady uses a weapon that appears to
look a lot like the spark shot that later you will find in Resident Evil 2 i mean during the game .
park shot was developed by umbrella to deal with BO w's which are bio-organic
weapons so it almost sounds like umbrella was expecting for the zoo security to
have powerful weapons worthy of taking down the creatures they created in the
first place but aside from that, the spark shop manages to take out the
infected gorilla and the next animals that attacked Brady happened to be
infected prairie dogs this is the first and only time we ever see infected
prairie dogs in Resident Evil universe.
you imagine having to deal with these kind of creatures they might seem simple
to kill but if they can come out of the ground in groups and attack you that
would be a lot tougher to handle than you'd expect Brady takes down the
surrounding prairie dogs and manages to reach the utility ship as planned he
disables a safety override and triggers the chain reaction and runs for his
life before getting caught in the explosion , when the power surge reaches the
main the generator buried deep under the zoo .
thunderous explosion rips apart the entire area and Brady barely manages to
avoid it, several hours passed by Brady gets up and sees that the zoo has been
completely destroyed along with the infected zoo creatures, the zoo
headquarters isn't completely destroyed so Brady goes back inside to take
shelter and as he walks in it appears that the radio is still working most
likely because there was a battery back up and the person he was communicating
with reaches out to Brady again .
person on the radio doesn't say who he is again but he does mention that he
along with Claire have destroyed umbrella headquarters , Brady lets him know
that he also managed to destroy the zoo along with all the infected zoo
creatures , Leon who is most likely the one communicating with Brady thanks him
for his help and informs him that as long as he did get rid of all the zoo
critters the town should be safe this is where they end their conversation ;
Brady says that he never wants to go through something like this ever again but
it's not like every day you get to save a city .
then proceeds to get some sleep after all he went though clearly deserving to
get some rest after saving the city but as he rests he looks forward to leaving
Raccoon City the next day and make a fresh start or at least that's the last
thought that went through his mind because it turns out that a prairie dogs
survived the explosion by taking shelter inside the zoo headquarters and it
then proceeds to infect Brady while he sleeps this is where Brady story ends , i think after that he turned to the zombie because he was infected .
was one hell of a fighter against the zombie outbreak it's a damn shame that he
ended up dying without even knowing it because he was attacked while he was
sleeping , this was one of many characters have fought hard to survive from the
Raccoon City outbreak and in the end death found its way to the Zookeeper
Patrick Brady , now this was yet another example that the prairie dogs are more
dangerous than you'd expect because if it didn't shelter inside the zoo HQ then
chances are that it survived by digging underground to avoid the explosion i know they are smart not like the others infected animals .
be honest it surprises me that still today we have never seen any infected
prairie dogs in any of Resident Evil games even for a Resident Evil Outbreak
final two which included the Raccoon City Zoo as one of the locations in the
game, you do fight off against in fact that zoo animals but none of them
happened to be infected prairie dogs .
one question i have towards this story is that Raccoon City was already under
attack by the zombies in the streets before William Birkin decided to attack
the zoo ? so the Zookeeper and everyone else in that area should have
known about the outbreak before Birkin decided to attack the Zoo Raccoon City
must have been one huge city for areas like the zoo to not be notified by the
strange attacks going on the virus started spreading the previous night and the
time the Zookeeper dealt with Birkin well that was the next day at 7.45 am in the morning it's mean this story happened one day after the Raccoon City was been attacked by the zombies in the streets .
virus spread quicker than expected but since the City Police Chief was working
for umbrella then there's a chance that he ended up doing one hell of a great
job keeping everyone unwary that the city was being attacked by zombies and the
bio-organic weapons .
One last thing to know about this Resident Evil story is that aside from the infected prairie dogs we also got to see infected tigers - baboons - pandas - bears and gorillas all of which were never present in any of the Resident Evil video games , the only game that would have included zombie gorillas was Resident Evil 2 formerly knows as Resident Evil 1.5 but that version was scrapped and they also they got rid of the zombie gorillas but so far for the rest of the infected zoo animals that i mentioned they haven't been included but i'm sure that with the franchise growing throughout the years surely get a version of them in the future anyways that's it for the story of The Zookeeper Patrick Brady .
That's it for today about the story of Patrick Brady the famous zoo keeper , his end was very sad but his adventure - his fight and brave was honored by his comrades - Leon and Claire so his death will not be in vain because he's one of the heroes of Resident Evil events , guys if you like this story leave your opinion in the comment bar also if you have any question leave it below and share it to your friends and family on social media or on private , big thanks for all of you my fans , enjoy it .
Nice story i like it very much i think that zookeper is not playable on game what do you think sam ?