
The bravest S.T.A.R.S member Richard Aiken .

Welcome My Friends To The Creepy Mansion House

In the beginning of this comic , we see that Richard Aiken the communication expert from the Bravo team is still alive and running through the Spencer mansion in hopes of reaching help from the Alpha Team or at least find a member of his own team but with zombies at every corner , he can only keep running and continue to reach out for help while on mission to investigate a series of disappearances people and strange murders .

In a remote mountain community a Star's team runs into trouble , frantic minutes after the helicopter carrying an experienced Bravo team crash-landed into the grounds of an isolated mansion even the cause of that crash-landed of helicopter was mysterious , all community and fans of resident evil didn't know the real reason of that crushed helicopter , about my own opinion maybe it was p-remitted act or calculated  since beginning only by Umbrella and Albert Wesker because he was the one who sent them there i his own secret laboratory situated of course in Arkley mountain no one knows about his secret place of experiment .


Richard Aiken is running for his life leaving the screams and unearthly howling behind , i can looks around the seemingly deserted room , he fights back the ways of nausea and uncertain fright as he senses the presence ; the presence of something very unfriendly completely frightened of a situation like you see on the picture below  .

Richard says what happened .... what were those things gotta get through somebody's got to come get us !! ( he was talking to himself as creepy moment for him ) .

no one said anything about....it happened so fast ... can't think ! take a breath , rich try to keep it together ! ( during the situation of Richard Aiken alone in critical situation ) .

Headquarters come in this , i can come in Stars where are you come in ...in we're in trouble here !! ( this message sent from Aiken with radio communication ) .

But unfortunately there was no response and to make matters worse , zombies begin approaching him from every direction ; Richard says dammit Wesker answer me ... we need backup ! do he is gone ripped apart by something horrible , Becky was ahead of me she's gotta be out here , Wesker why don't you answer me ! Wesker i know they are there i can feel them , suddenly the communications cord gets torn up and we then see that back of the stars headquarters , Wesker is receiving a call but it's not from Richard Aiken it's from a mysterious man that works for umbrella looks like high position in Umbrella .

He tells Wesker hello Albert i hear that you sent a team out to the mansion to investigate strange sightings , couldn't handle public pressure , you know what the stakes are in this game , i trust that you have figured a way to keep our little project a secret ,  Wesker replies just sit tight Holden i have taken care of the problem let's just say that Bravo team had a small but extremely lethal transportation failure . ( that conversation prove that my theories i posted before was true because it's on B-D anime stories of resident evil chapter 1 .

Holden then tells him fair enough Wesker , i feel that i should remind you that the company doesn't deal with looses ends ... i will expect to hear from you , he then enters Wesker's office and mentions that he saw his light on and he through he'd stopped by to see what he heard , Wesker tells Berry that they lost contact with Bravo team 20 minutes ago and now they have to assemble their team to go after them also for checking the situation  .

Barry asks him why did he send Bravo Team when he knew that they weren't ready and Wesker tells him that they insisted in taking the assignment , he then kicks open a door where we see that this is where the alpha team members sleep West Grim forms them with a situation with Bravo Team and they must prepare to leave and meet him , bury in the flight room in 15 minutes that was quick order never seen from Wesker office .

We then go back to Richard i can and see that , he is still running from the UN-dead but at the same time he is trying to fix the frayed wires to try and help but he just can't get a moment for himself to fully focus on fixing it , so he tries to find her ways out so he's not constantly being followed but then he bumps into a statue with a button underneath it which triggers poison gas to fill the room , this would be the armored room where you find the sun crest or jewelry bow the total of them are 4 four pieces in the game , depending on which version of Resident Evil 1 yet plain but all of them available in every version .

Richard panics as he can't understand why there would be a poison gas trigger in that specific room but also it looks like someone else's near him but with all the gas filling the room , there's no telling who could be on the other side , he asks if Becky's is there and if there's a way out but there's no response and he can't stay in that area any longer so he continues running through the mansion in hopes of finding help or at least a spot where there are no zombies nearby like Refugio room at least secured place .

Let's going back to Wesker , we see that , he is giving the team some last-minute details before the rescue attempt , Wesker tells them we will be heading out two Bravo teams last reported location Alpha Team will scour the immediate area in a search and rescue formation , we're also going to lay to rest all reports about monsters that the locals have been spreading ....got it the team agrees and they prepare to take off but before they do , Wesker mentions one more thing he tells them that he doesn't think this is going to be easy so he wants them to be fully prepared for anything that happens .

He even informs Chris to bring Rocket's for the rocket launcher just in case because with all the reports they've heard there's a chance that they may be up against something they've never seen before , he even tells them to make sure they bring enough firepower to handle the situation ironic as both Chris and Jill end up reaching the Spencer mansion with little equipment with no weapons or ammo on them for me strange but it's okay .

Joe asks Wesker if he really thinks that there's something out there in the woods that they can't handle and he tells her that judgement errors are something that they don't have the luxury of and they're kind of work and she will soon find out as well but most importantly Bravo Team may have been green but they were good and not hearing from them , makes them feel like they should be prepared for the worst situation there .

As the team prepares to leave , Richard has reached the room where there are no zombies that could stop him from fixing the frayed wires , he says out loud searching for missing hikers right , no hikers here flipping nerve gas what next need to reach headquarters let him know horrible things losing my marbles , she's got to twist these wires this radios gotta work could be my last chance , my last hope maybe my last escape .

Suddenly he is no longer alone in the Attic as the giant snake known as yawn appears behind him making this the moment that Richard i can ended up getting poisoned bites venomous bite across his chest sadly for Richard there was nothing else he could have done to defend himself , he only had a combat knife to fight back no weapon and no gun for shooting with long distance , this is not zombie but more worst then that it's giant snake contaminated with virus and also vulnerable , so imagine in your possession only combat knife it cannot makes any damage to the villain snake because it's to short knife .

But even through you can actually take out the giant snake with a combat knife in the rebirth mode of Resident Evil DS , there was no way that anyone could have actually defeated this giant snake with the combat knife alone by now the alpha team was approached Bravo teams last-known coordinates and from the distance you can that the Cerberus are nearby waiting for their next meals to drop by the Alpha Team prepares to get off the helicopter and this is where this story ends and it is continued in the game now , we know what Richard's last-minute efforts were before the Alpha Team reached the Spencer mansion it's sad to say but Richard Aiken was doomed to fail from the moment he reached the Spencer mansion to the moment where he actually gets cured from the poisonous snake bite , he would still be locked on death sighs after your effort it's funny because he was designated like that , but he was bravest member of Stars , poor Richard Aiken .

In the original Resident Evil whether you reached him on time to give him the serum for the snake venom , he would still die as it would be too late for the serum to work but in the remake you can actually save him from dying due to the snake venom but the moment you reached the Neptune you run into Richard Aiken and he would be eaten alive by the Neptune a strange sea creature possessed incredible speed attack as finisher  .

This free comic book story came out as a prologue to Resident Evil 1 so that players would have a better understanding of what happened before the Alpha Team was sent to the Arklay mountains , it was made 2 two years before any of Resident Evil comics books came out .

This one came out in 1996 but one thing it got wrong was that the first page description says that the Stars stands for special tactics and rescue squad but it should be a special tactics and rescue service not squad , the movie of Resident Evil Apocalypse got this wrong as well and yes in case you're wondering i prefer call that movie a Topeka lies instead of apocalypse but aside from that this comic was intense and contained creepy moments .

It mainly focused on Richard Aiken which was a good things since we didn't really get to see how the rest of the Bravo Team dealt with the situation before the Alpha Team left the department you can see that Joseph Frost was holding on an Uzi sub-machine gun , i think it's interesting to see this as no automatic weapons were used in the first Resident Evil game but i guess if Frost would have made it to the Spencer mansion then maybe the Ozzie would have been available at all and some members can use it against zombies and monsters .

Also when you look at the coffee mug that the mysterious man known as Holden has you can see that the umbrella logo is an actual umbrella not sure if this was the early umbrella logo but it's interesting to see that it's not the iconic umbrella logo that we all know of but speaking of Holden there isn't much known about him , as he was only seen in this comic and the SD Perry Novels maybe someday he will turn up again but seeing as he has never made an appearance in any of the games , could mean that we might never get to hear from him again hopefully that isn't true but i believe he will be show it soon or later .

That's it for the explanation today about the bravest stars member Richard Aiken , i hope you enjoyed it and if so be sure to leave comment below also share it with others family and friends and if you have any question leave it also so i can answer directly thank you guys . 

2 Responses to "The bravest S.T.A.R.S member Richard Aiken . "

  1. So sad for him ,poor richard aiken he was very brave guy even in remake after saving him from the snake poison he will get misery death like esten alive by this creature after all he saved chris from epic danger , your explanation was awesome and clear 👍✌💯

  2. To be honest i prefere the old version not remake at least he died before jill or chris brought for him serum less pain then devoured alive by the sea creature .


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